Immediate restoration in the low bone density maxilla
Apr 4th 2023
- Maxilla All on 6 (#13, #14, #16, #23, #24, #26)
- 6 maxillary anterior residual teeth were extracted, and the guide engagement status was checked and CT scan was performed
- Poor bone density D4 - if initial anchorage is weak, use a Provisional Bridge as form of a Temporary Dentures
- #13 (30Ncm) / #14 (30Ncm) / #26 (20Ncm) / #23 (25Ncm) / #24 (20Ncm) / #26 (10Ncm)
- Despite the fact that all 6 maxillary teeth were drilled and placed until ø2.0, it was decided not to fix P.B.
- Proceed with cover screw and healing abutment